We are there for you – even when you don’t need us!

The convival Immobilien team


MMag. Gregor Zimmel, LL.M., LL.M.

Born in Vienna in 1982, I completed my studies in law and economics. I finished my training with two post-graduate studies in the USA and Vienna and with successful lawyer examinations. From 2011 until 2020 I was a managing partner in all-in-one Gebäudeverwaltung GmbH. Due to a partition of the company, I am able to support a large number of our customers in the new structure of convival Immobilien. Seeing convival properties grow is almost as beautiful as walking through the different stages of life with my three children. And if there’s still time, you’ll find me working on new (physical) projects in the workshop or mentally refreshing myself on my racing bike.

Dominic Scott

Kerstin Eck

Leader of Property Accounting

Kerstin hat vermutlich Zahlen in den Adern fließen, denn die Leidenschaft für Buchhaltung ist groß.

Seit Jahren ist Kerstin in verantwortungsvollen Positionen der Objektbuchhaltung tätig und hat nun bei uns die Möglichkeit ergriffen, ihr eigenes Team zu leiten und zu formen. Wenn Kerstin (auf Hochtouren) zu laufen beginnt, ist kein Zahlenrätsel vor ihr sicher. Privat geht sie es etwas ruhiger an ist in ihrer Freizeit mit meinen Hunden und Mann in der schönen Wachau unterwegs.

Ewald Haider

Leitung Immobilientechnik

Ewald ist ein echter Allrounder – denn Erfahrungen hat er in allen (Verwaltungs)bereichen.

Nach beruflichen Stationen in der Buchhaltung, Verwaltung und Technik, hat Ewald nun seine Zelte nun bei uns als Koordinator von Bauvorhaben und Sanierungsprojekten aufgeschlagen. Er ist ein guter Zuhörer und nimmt sich viel Zeit für unsere Kunden – und seine Familie. Sein Ziel verliert er nie aus den Augen – dafür trainiert er am Wochenende leidenschaftlich beim Bogenschießen.

Ing. Josipa Glavati

Leitung Immobilienverwaltung

From construction technology to real estate management – and maybe back again?

Josipa has spent her professional life to date in construction technology. Buildings are therefore familiar to her – they communicate perhaps less so than tenants and owners, who are now being looked after by Josipa with full commitment. And if the need to talk has not yet been satisfied, the children will certainly make up for it at home.

Ismina Myrtezai

Property Management Assistant

From the front office to property management – Ismina shows how professional development works.

While Ismina was already an indispensable part of the front office, she is currently developing into an indispensable support in property accounting. But since she was born to be helpful and friendly, Ismina fits perfectly into the team and is rightly at our customers’ side. She has trained herself to work precisely and sit still – because after work, she has to get all her energy out and climb mountains or hit volleyballs.

Iris Greiner

Assistenz Immobilienvermittlung / Front Office

Iris is (almost) always there when something needs to be organized or support is needed.

With her friendly nature, Iris welcomes our customers on the phone or at the door. Sie hilft im Büro, wo sie gebraucht wird. As the second part of the “Greiner Sisters,” she powers through the front office. After work and studying for her law degree, she works out at the gym.

Hristina Momcheva

Property Accounting Assistant

Hristina supports the property accounting team in general accounting activities.

No one else loves to maintain SHOULDs and HAVES and closely monitor customer accounts as much. With Simone and Jasmin, Hristina rounds out the accounting women power team. “A little more” is only allowed on weekends, however, when it comes to altitude gain or stretching body and mind on the yoga mat.

Malina Wistuba

Real estate management assistance

Malina’s second educational path took her into property management.

As a trained medical masseuse, Malina has now found us to knead the administrative routine with her calm manner. With her history, it is not surprising that Malina is very athletic. She brings her marathon running stamina into her everyday life – and never lets up to reach her goal.

Anna Kirchleitner

Property Management Assistant

As assistant to the management and head of the front office, Anna supports the team in all matters.

Anna comes from the upscale hotel industry and the assistance sector and is the perfect good soul of the office. Until now, you had to look for Anna in her spare time at the globe or while doing parallel turns on the slopes. Anna is currently on the biggest (experience) journey of her life and is mastering the course around baby toys.

Kristina Marinkovic

Property Accounting Assistant

Kristina ist gekommen, um zu bleiben – und vorallem zu lernen, denn Zahlen sind Ihre Leidenschaft.

Hoch motiviert startete Kristina in unseren Buchhaltungsalltag und freut sich auf die neuen Herausforderungen, die auf sie in diesem Bereich erwarten. Als lernwillige und wie sich nach den ersten Wochen zeigt auch lernfähige Berufsanfängerin, taucht sie jeden Tag mit großem Interesse und voller Freude in neue Aufgaben. Zur Entspannung geht Kristina gerne ins Fitnessstudio oder macht lange Spaziergänge mit ihrem Hund.

Alexandra Nikolic

Front Office

Mit ihrer hilfsbereiten und sympathischen Art dirigiert Alexandra das Front Office und Büro im richtigen Takt.

Durch ihre Kinder hat sie gelernt, geduldiger und stressresistenter zu werden und spiegeln sich diese Charakterzüge im täglichen Arbeitsalltag wider. Mit Ruhe und Aufmerksamkeit nimmt Alexandra die Kundenanliegen auf, verwaltet Schlüssel und optimiert die Büroabläufe. Als Mutter hat sie gelernt am Punkt fokussiert zu sein. Ihre Batterien lädt Alexandra bei langen Spaziergängen und am Spielplatz wieder auf.

Space for you


We look forward to hearing about your motivation and enthusiasm for real estate.

Jasmin Pendl

Jasmin Pendl

Real Estate Accounting Assistant – on leave

Jasmin strengthens the property accounting team in all activities.

Together with Simone she finds the cause of nearly every single cent of deviation. She makes her contribution to our properly-run accounting with greatt engagement and very high precision. All Jasmin counts at the weekend are her steps on walks with her dog in the beautiful southern Burgenland. And soon Jasmin rather counts the availability of diapers and pacifiers – here applies: too much is better than too little.

The convival real estate team is there for everyone!

convival Team - Jasmin & Julia

You for us

Do you also think #FFC100 is a great colour and do you want to take a seat on the yellow chair? Then we would be pleased to receive your application.

Motivated: das convival Immobilien Team

Us for you

You don’t want to work for us, but you might have work for us? Then we look forward to you getting in touch.