Management for property developers

We help property developers with management – right from the start

Regardless of whether you as a property developer are developing your first property to rent or to sell, or whether you are an experienced developer with specific ideas of mit buildings management, we will be pleased to support you.

Our common goal is to have satisfied customers. So we would be pleased to apply our experience from the start – long before completion – and we can support you with:

  • Determination of the foreseeable operating costs
  • Negotiation and signing of various provider contracts
  • Preparation of an object-related rental contract
  • support with setting up a condominium agreement
  • Supporting potential purchasers or tenants with individual questions
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Sie haben Interesse Ihre Liegenschaft in Zukunft von uns verwalten zu lassen? Gerne erstellen wir Ihnen dafür ein Angebot zur weiteren Besprechung mit Miteigentümern. Wir freuen uns über Ihre unverbindliche Kontaktaufnahme.

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New construction in Vienna - building management for property developers

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